Sow a lakh and reap a crore!

A cash crop is an agricultural crop which is grown to sell for profit. It is typically procured by parties separate from a farm. We stand as a support for Plantation of cash crops and help you grow it and get the fullest benefits of those. The Plantation of cash crops will be chosen based on our expert’s inspection on the Soil test by proper authorized Agricultural department.

Separate Plantation of Cash Crops

If the investor is not interested in windmills we can grow this separately and maintain these for you.

Planting Cash Crops

The cash crops like Red Sandal, Rose Wood, and Ebony will be planted in the wind mill area i.e dead land or drought land.

Red SandalWood

Red Sandal wood tree is a native and endemic to India and can only be found in the southern parts of the Eastern Ghats.


Rosewood is a tropical hardwood with a tight, even grain. The wood is heavy and hard, but relatively easy to work with.


Ebony trees are found in places where the soil is infertile and rocky. That is why not many plants grow next to it.

Planting high valued cash crops in the dead land or drought land of wind mill area

Red Sandal wood tree is a native and endemic to India and can only be found in the southern parts of the Eastern Ghats. In one Acre of land, a total number of plants will be around 435 plants planted at the distance of 10 x 10 ft. The farmer can earn a profit of about 2.4 crores in 14 to 15 years. The yield of red sandalwood depends on the variety, soil type, climate, water facility, and cultivation practices. Though naturally grown sandalwood tree takes 30 years to be ready for harvesting whereas intensive cultivation in organic methods gives quick results in 10 to 15 years.

Rosewood is a tropical hardwood with a tight, even grain. The wood is heavy and hard, but relatively easy to work with. It has a strong sweet smell, which persists over many years, even in furniture that may be hundreds of years old. The tree is prized for its dark red heartwood. Amazingly, just scratching or refinishing antique furniture will release the smell of roses. In its natural habitat, the tree grows relatively fast like most tropical trees, about 3 to 4 feet per year to a maximum height of 100 feet or so.

Ebony trees are found in places where the soil is infertile and rocky. That is why not many plants grow next to it. You won’t find this tree growing in thick stands, but rather on its own. This is partly because it cannot compete with other plants. It grows incrementally, and it barely reaches maturity in 70 to 200 years. Its roots are massive, which is what helps it survive during the African dry season. Despite its roots, the Ebony tree is rather small, barely reaching 30 feet in height and 1 foot in diameter.

Red Sandal wood



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